Psalm 30:5

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.

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Location: North Aurora, Illinois, United States

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 2008!

What a year. What a silly three words to try & capture all that was 2007. It's nearly 1am - and I'm fighting for this moment to try & say goodbye, to say thank you. A year ago tonight, I began to find my proverbial feet in a world that was wholly mine.

This year, I walked away from things that were not good for me, even if I walked INTO them, I walked on out. I kept space in my life for things that were good for me - and found them assaulting me from directions I never knew possible.

I could re read this years blogs, and re celebrate moments that found me so overwhelmed - but I don't sit down tonight to reiterrate all that. I sit here tonight in gratefulness & humility. In a way, I'm stunned. This year was stunning. It's no exaggeration to call it the best yet. I cringe to think of it being gone.

I began this year looking forward to the trip of a lifetime - thinking how amazing it would be when the time came to leave. Little did I know that the trip would start months in advance of departure, as supporters rallied along side me, tangible reminders of God's faithfulness in provision - financially, but also as it pertains to spiritual & personal growth, emotional health, mental clarity and balance.

This was my year of Jubilee. I looked so forward to my birthday - thinking something must be special about 7-7-07. What a day to begin my pilgrimage to the Holy land.

This year, I started & ended in the same church - something I never would have thought possible upon leaving my old one. Whatever mistakes I made this year, I started and ended it by responding to God's grace instead of running from it - a goal acheived, and one which will be at the top of any list of New Year's Resolutions from now on.

My oldest daughter started middle school, my youngest started her first job - dog sitting. They are healthy, happy, confident & kind. They are lovers of Jesus and Shakespeare and the Chicago Cubs.

Productivity and recognition were some of the blessings of the work of my hands, and 2008 promises further opportunities there.

Two days ago, I went to my first ever Bears game.

Again, I can't capture with words everything that is due to 2007. As with so many loves in my life, I simply must say good bye. How refreshing to let go easily, knowing that I'm no less rich than I was 2 hours ago. How refreshing to look forward with faith & hope, the kind that has some reasonable substance behind it.

A sturdy structure on a solid foundation has replaced the house of cards. The counterfeit is fully exposed - and even replaced in so many ways - beyond all I could ask for or even imagine. I am loved and supported and respected and known. I am blessed beyond measure.

My most fervent hopes are with all of you in 2008. As we Cubs fans like to say, "Next year is here!" But perhaps Rabbi Saul once had such a year, as he recalled the words of the prophet Isaiah in I Corinthians 2:9

"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"


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