Psalm 30:5

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.

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Location: North Aurora, Illinois, United States

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Psalms of Ascent

My small group recently completed Beth Moore's "Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent" For 6 weeks, we studied 15 chapters tucked in the middle of one of the Bible's best loved books. Every other day, we were challenged to "rewrite" the Psalm - to become a psalmist. Surely our utterances weren't inspired, as were David's; but I enjoyed the way much of my testimony was recalled by these Psalms. "My Psalms of Ascent" are below...
My Psalm 120
From the depths of an unimaginable pit, He reached down to me.
In my shame, I looked away ~ and down.
But His tenacity got to me ~ got under me
And He lifted me up. He brought me to a new place.
When I embrace deceit, my own or others, it takes me down, and others with me.
But our road leads up!
My Psalm 121
I am surrounded by these hills.
Everywhere I look, they seem to block me in.
Yet my Helper has wings, and He is within me.
The hope of soaring clashes in me with my fear of heights
And of what lies on the other side.
And yet these wings are within and without.
Safety and success are not in my hands,
Whether by my bravery or by my caution.
It matters more to Him than it does to me.
My Psalm 122
I rejoiced to find the little white church
That I could go there, and even bring my daughters.
Our roots are taking to Fox Valley; North Aurora is a nice place
A place my daughters will call home, and it has become my home
With my bike path and my bakery, It keeps my dog and holds my cats
Educates my kids & busies my uncle…
For my family and my home, I will hope for the best for this place.
For the community of believers here, I will hope for its success.
My Psalm 123
You are high above all this – securely enthroned far away.
It does not taint You – it cannot touch You;
And yet You are not removed.
We look to You – we wait on You.
You are ready to show us what is real
~not the scorn between my daughters,
Or between tribal factions in Kenya,
Or between a Jew and an Arab in Jerusalem,
Or even the self hatred we feed~
But Your eyes see what You made us to be.
Save us from our perspectives – Show us Yours.
My Psalm 124
Things got bad when I turned my back on Him
But He never took His hand off me.
How much worse they could have gotten!
Only the fullness of knowledge in glory will ever reveal
Every escape, every protection, every carefully calculated allowance.
I have been redeemed – I am not my own – I have been bought at a price.
And from that place, I find a freedom I've never known
freedom to become who I was created to be
And not freedom only, but help, ever present help
And power as my chains evaporate
My Psalm 125
You suffer long to build this trust, so that I might stand firm.
It is Your desire to be that near to me.
You refuse to share me with those who hate You
Or to let me share what is Yours
Keep us in Your will – that You might continue to do us good.
Let us not necessitate Your discipline.
Bring peace to Your dwelling place.
My Psalm 126
I was in a daze when He chose to bring me home,
But all the way He carried me, I knew He was right,
That He would do it – but I didn't know how much.
At some point, it seemed silly even, but who was I to argue?
All who saw it stood amazed, and I was grateful.
Do I dare hope for more? And yet I know there is more.
God, help me to trust Your process as much as I enjoy Your result.
I will dare to hope for more.
My Psalm 127
Why do I bother when You're not here
~when I myself am the one to have barred You at the door,
as You stand knocking?
Did I truly seek to construct anything?
Or did I somehow delight in feeding locusts?
And yet I was blessed
~ what a generous gift was given ~
Ultimately a protection from going too low
Their mother's glass…
My Psalm 128
Even silly, circumstantial delight
is not beneath we who follow His ways.
Enjoy the fruit of your labor!
~ Enjoy! ~
The nature of blessing is growth.
Make room for more!
God loves to do this.
~ Expect the best! ~
And expect it for as long as you live.
Peace be with Israel!
My Psalm 129
I can't remember ~ I can't remember "before"
before fear, before confusion, before instability and unpredictability, before compulsion
I can't remember confidence or knowing for sure that some things were unacceptably wrong.
But I remember when the ropes were cut.
I remember a calm of quiet as God drove them back.
I remember an Unseen Protector
And knowing that His vengeance was sure, even if mine was unsure.
Its not that I've never succumbed to the shadows, the ghosts, the memories,
But the real ropes were cut,
And I remember
My Psalm 130
From the lowest place, I remembered Your Name
And a whisper became a scream.
You heard it before it escaped me – You were already on Your way.
You knew every stop on the descent, but You didn't let it stop You.
Your forgiveness is stunning.
You were eager to keep Your Word, and so I passionately waited,
And will expectantly wait for the rest.
His abundant love and forgiveness can be seen by all.
My Psalm 131
I know I've been proud – but not now…
I know I've tried to take on the world, but not now…
I've tried to take Your job – thought I could do it better or faster
But not now…
In depletion, at the end of myself, I find You.
My wrestling and striving evaporate, and I find myself in Your lap,
Held and loved with great affection.
And where I'd thought I'd feel confined, limited, trapped,
Instead I feel secure ~ I feel rest
And if I can, anyone can
My Psalm 132
Lord, don't forget what I went through to get here, and don't let me, either.
Let's never forget what it took to bring those walls crashing down,
And to start to build this dwelling place in me.
You were the restless One – the One committed to this end – even when I was not.
But now we're here – with so much more to look forward to.
Keep me present in this place
Let me be Your resting place, and a place that shows Your strength.
Keep me clothed in righteousness,
And let everyone who sees it shout for joy and with wonder.
You get all the credit for this.
A promise made becomes a promise kept – The Promised One has been revealed.
He has kept the covenant I couldn't keep, and made me His own,
As He took His place at the right Hand of the Throne of God.
He has made His home in me. He has desired me. He has abundantly blessed and satisfied me.
He has clothed me with salvation, righteousness, dignity, and the ability to praise Him.
He has been raised up, and He has drawn me with loving-kindness into His light.
I have no fear of my enemies.
He has crowned me.
My Psalm 133
Oh the peace that comes when the discord finally ceases,
When our affections again take hold.
It captures all the senses, and draws us towards our most precious memories.
It builds upon itself and feeds a need deep within us.
It is truly a blessing, and it is ours forever!
My Psalm 134
The LORD bless you and protect you
The LORD deal kindly and graciously with you
The LORD bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace
Numbers 6:24-26 (Jewish Study Bible)


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